It is not a new phenomenon. Actually, many teens now a days are using this method for generating some extra income.It is really a good option for earning some extra spending money from home.Most of us come across many emails for variety of reasons but don't get paid for reading them but there are many sites existing today and are available online which serves emails to you in your mailbox for which you get paid by clicking the link provided in the mail.One thing must be noted that it is not a get quick reach scheme, it is in fact just a way of generating some extra money.
For generating income from through this opportunity the following things has to be done.
- You have sign up with these kind of free sites like email pay u, donkeymail,etc.
- The site will send you the email (pertaining to categories you select when you sign up) to your mailbox.
- You have to click on the provided link and should stay on the site for 15 to 30 seconds to make sure you receive credit for the visit.
One thing I want to tell you that today to run any business , it is necessary to promote and advertise it.So, in order to attract and increase their customers , the companies pay these sites to promote and advertise their product and services.Then,these sites brings those ads directly to your mailbox and pays you a little amount after you click on the said link.
Most of these sites also pays you for referring people to them under your link and they also pay you a part for every email the people read who are refereed by you.So, GET ON! try out this simplest method of earning money form home.